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3 Ways To Make Your Non-Fiction Writing More Engaging

When you’re working on a piece of non-fiction writing, it can be quite challenging to produce something that’s not just interesting to read but also resonates with your audience. Unlike fictional writing, your college essays don’t exactly require you to develop a plot or create fascinating characters that would carry your writing.

So, what can you do to make your non-fiction writing stand out? What measures can you take to make your work easy to read? We’ve got a few writing tips for you.

Start on a Good Note

You know how great fiction writing has you hooked right from the beginning? Use the same tactic to captivate readers for your non-fiction writing.

There are a dozen different ways to do this. For instance, you may begin your essay with an interesting anecdote, either personal or historical. This will draw in your audience and compel them to keep reading. Similarly, you can start by stating a rhetorical question, a funny thought, or building a narrative. The trick is to captivate your reader in the first couple of sentences and evoke curiosity.

You don’t have to have an “interesting” topic to make your writing interesting!

Use Simple Language

Here’s the thing; nobody likes reading page after page full of complex words. They may sound fancy to you, but they appear to be superfluous to your readers and make your work look unnecessarily wordy.

The type of language you use for your non-fictional writing matters a lot. Keep things simple and avoid using wordy phrases or complicated words just for the sake of it. You’ll make a far better impression on your audience if you use simple language.

Add Emotion to Your Writing

Using simple language doesn’t mean that you devoid your writing of all emotion. On the contrary, your non-fiction needs a good dose of emotion to prevent it from sounding too factual or mundane.

Try using relevant metaphors, analogies, and imagery to make your non-fiction writing more interesting. Use words that evoke an emotional response among your readers and make them more invested in your writing.  This will create a more enjoyable reading experience for them and draw them to your writing.

Our editors at Panther Academic Editing offer writing coaching services and proofreading services to help ensure your assignments and essays are engaging and easy to read. Get in touch with us for our copy editing services today!


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